Hoboken Lecture 2017 in pictures
On 8 November 2017 in the Kunsthal Auditorium, more than 200 people attended the seventh Hoboken Lecture, featuring professor Dame Jane Francis. The lecture was introduced with music performed by the Codarts Agathe Ensemble, and by Professor Jaap Sinninghe Damsté who stressed the importance of looking into the past in current climate research. In her lecture 'From Greenhouse to Icehouse', professor Jane Francis presented a clear and thought provoking overview of the history and future of Antarctica’s climate, mostly based on fossil pants and pollen she collected herself on the rocky outcrops of Antarctica. After Questions & Answers, moderated by Martijn van Camthout, the host of the evening, Kees Moeliker, presented the speaker the traditional token of appreciation: the cast of the first-ever hyena coprolite (a 13.000 year old fossil excrement) found on the bottom of the North Sea.
The Honourable Peter Wilson CMG, British Ambassador to the Netherlands, concluded the programme.
Below is a series of photographes of the event, taken by Marten van Dijl.