contents Deinsea 10 -2003

J.W.F. Reumer & W. Wessels (iii-iv)
Introduction to this volume
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Meulen, A. J. van der (v-viii)
The scientific output of Hans de Bruijn
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Fortelius M., Eronen J., Liu, L.P., Pushkina D., Tesakov A., Vislobokova, I. & Zhang, Z.Q.(1-11)
Continental-scale hypsodonty patterns, climatic paleobiogeography, and dispersal of Eurasian Neogene large mammal herbivores
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Agustí J., & Casanovas-Vilar I. (13-21)
Neogene gerbils from Europe
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Begun D. R., Güleç E. & Geraads D. (23-39)
Dispersal patterns of Eurasian hominoids: implications from Turkey
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Collinson M. E., & Hooker J. J. (41-83)
Paleogene vegetation of Eurasia: framework for mammalian faunas
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Dam, J.A. van (85-95)
European Neogene mammal chronology: past, present and future
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Dawson M.R. (97-125)
Paleogene rodents of Eurasia
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Daxner-Höck, G. & Wu, W. (127-151)
Plesiosminthus (Zapodidae, Mammalia) from China and Mongolia: migrations to Europe
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Delfino, M., Rage, J.C. & Rook, L. (153-161)
Tertiary mammal turnover phenomena: what happened to the herpetofauna?
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Fejfar, O., Dvorák, Z. & Kadlecová, E. (163-182)
New record of Early Miocene (MN3a) mammals in the open brown coal pit Merkur, North Bohemia, Czech Republic
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Flynn, L.J. (183-195)
Small mammal indicators of forest paleoenvironment in the Siwalik deposits of the Potwar Plateau, Pakistan
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Fostowicz-Frelik, L. (197-216)
Species distribution and differentiation of Eurasian Hypolagus (Lagomorpha: Leporidae)
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Franzen, J. L., Fejfar, O., Storch, G. & Wilde, V. (217-234)
Eppelsheim 2000 - new discoveries at a classic locality
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Giaourtsakis, I.X. (235-253)
Late Neogene Rhinocerotidae of Greece: distribution, diversity and stratigraphical range
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Godinot, M. & Lapparent de Broin, F. de (255-275)
Arguments for a mammalian and reptilian dispersal from Asia to Europe during the Paleocene-Eocene boundary interval
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Heissig, K. (277-286)
Origin and early dispersal of the squirrels and their relatives
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Hoek Ostende, L.W. van den & Doukas, C.S. (287-303)
Distribution and evolutionary history of the Early Miocene erinaceid Galerix symeonidisi Doukas, 1986
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Koenigswald, W. von (305-312)
Mode and causes for the Pleistocene turnovers in the mammalian fauna of Central Europe
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Kotsakis, T., Abbazzi, L., Angelone, C., Argenti, P., Barisone, G., Fanfani, F., Marcolini, F. & Masini, F. (313-342)
Plio-Pleistocene biogeography of Italian mainland micromammals
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Koufos, G.D. (343-372)
Late Miocene mammal events and biostratigraphy in the Eastern Mediterranean
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Kovar-Eder (373-392)
Vegetation dynamics in Europe during the Neogene
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Markovic, Z.(393-398)
The Miocene small mammals of Serbia, a review
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Martin, R.A. (399-406)
The status of Mimomys in North America revisited
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Mein, P. (407-418)
On Neogene rodents of Eurasia: distribution and migrations
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Nagel, D. & Morlo, M.(419-429)
Guild structure of the carnivorous mammals (Creodonta, Carnivora) from the Taatsiin Gol area, Lower Oligocene of Central Mongolia
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Peláez-Campomanes, P., Morales, J., Álvarez Sierra, M.A., Azanza , B., Fraile, S., García Paredes, I., Hernández Fernández, M., Herráez, E., Nieto, M., Pérez, B., Quiralte, V., Salesa, M. J., Sánchez, I. M. & Soria, D.(431-441)
Updated biochronology of the Miocene mammal faunas from the Madrid basin (Spain)
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Qiu, Z.D., Zheng, S.H., Sen, S. & Zhang, Z.Q.(443-453)
Late Miocene micromammals from the Bahe Formation, Lantian, China
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Reumer, J.W.F. & Hoek Ostende, L.W. van den
Petauristidae and Sciuridae (Mammalia, Rodentia) from Tegelen, Zuurland, and the Maasvlakte (the Netherlands)
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Roussiakis, S.J. & Theodorou, G.E. (469-497)
Carnivora from the Late Miocene of Kerassiá (Northern Euboea, Greece)
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Rzebik-Kowalska, B. (499-508)
Distribution of shrews (Insectivora, Mammalia) in time and space
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Saraç, G. (509-517)
Distribution of Protaceratherium albigense (Rhinocerotidae, Mammalia) in Oligocene coastal deposits of Turkish Thrace
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Theodorou, G., Athanassiou, A., Roussiakis, S. & Iliopoulos, G.(519-530)Preliminary remarks on the Late Miocene herbivores of Kerassiá (Northern Euboea, Greece)
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Ünay, E., Bruijn, H. de, & Saraç, G.(531-537)
The Oligocene rodent record of Anatolia: a review
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Ünay, E., De Bruijn, H. & Saraç, (539-548)
A preliminary zonation of the continental Neogene of Anatolia based on rodents
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Vasileiadou, K.V., Koufos, G.D. & Syrides, G.E.(549-562)
Silata, a new locality with micromammals from the Miocene/Pliocene boundary of the Chalkidiki peninsula, Macedonia, Greece
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Vislobokova, I. Sotnikova, M. & Dodonov, A.(563-574)
Bio-events and diversity of the Late Miocene-Pliocene mammal faunas of Russia and adjacent areas
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